C/2004 Q2 Machholz (Dec 29)

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About this Image

First light for the new 16" cassegrain targetting the comet Q2 Machholz at near full moon.
The comet is near its closest approach to the sun, shining now at approx mag 4.2.
The ion tail to the north-east still is faint but shows some internal structure. Its lenght in this image measures 1.2 degree.

Below you find a 33 frame animation over 2 hours.
north is up

clic for animation 2200 kB

Technical Details


410mm Cassegrain in prime focus at f/3

Mount MK-100 GEM
Camera SBIG STL-11000M at -30C, internal filter wheel
Filters Astronomik LRGB
Date Dec 29, 2004 19:30-21:30 UT.
Location Wildon/Austria
Sky Conditions mag 4.5 sky, high transparency, temperature 0 C
Exposure L= 200 sec sub-exposures;
Processing Image calibration in ImagesPlus;
processing, curves in Photoshop; animation in Imageready;