Cederblad 214 in H-alpha light (SH2-171)

clic for 30% size 1170 x 788 (284 kB)

clic here for 50% size 1950 x 1313 (480 kB)

About this Image

The central part of Cederblad 214 is shown in this high resolution image in H-alpha light. Ced 214 shows a very turbulent structure with obscuring dust and glowing pillows shaped by the stellar wind.
North is left.

Technical Details


16" cassegrain in secondary focus at F/10

Mount MK100 GEM
Camera SBIG STL-11000M with AO-L at -25C, internal filter wheel
Filters Astronomik H-alpha (15 nm)
Date Oct 09, 2006.
Location Wildon/Austria
Sky Conditions mag 4 sky, 1.3" seeing, full moon up, temperature 10 C,
Exposure Ha = 240 min (30-minute sub-exposures),
all 1x1 bin.
Processing Image aquisition in Maxim DL 4.56; Image calibration, aligning, mean stacking in CCDStack;
Photoshop: curves, noise reduction by Neatimage;