Veil Nebula in mapped color (NGC 6992)

Clic here for 70% size 1771x2680 (1500 kB)
About this Image
The eastern part of the Veil Nebula (NGC 6992) together with the other parts is a remnant of a supernova explosion that occurred about30.000 - 40.000 years ago.
This image in mapped (false) color represents the different emission lines as following:
S-II at 671.9 nm and 673.0 nm is assigned to red
H-alpha at 656.3 nm is assigned to green
O-III at 495.9 nm and 500.7 nm is assigned to blue.
This is known as the typical Hubble palette (i.e. pillars of creation)
Checkout a more realistic color version here.
The nebula is located 1,400 light years away in the constellation of Cygnus.
North is up.
Technical Details
Optics |
410 mm cassegrain in corrected prime focus at f/3
Mount |
MK-100 GEM |
Camera |
SBIG STL-11000M at -15C, internal filter wheel |
Filters |
All Astronomik (H-alpha 15 nm, O-III, S-II) |
Date |
June 25 - July 17 , 2005 |
Location |
Wildon/Austria |
Sky Conditions |
mag 5 sky, temperature 15-20 C, |
Exposure |
S-II:Ha:O-III = 180:180:120 minutes, (30-minute sub-exposures), all 1x1. |
Processing |
Image aquisition, calibration and color synthesis in Maxim DL 4.0;
Photoshop: levels, curves, color balance, light unsharp masking; |