- Aberrator - optics simulation software
- Adobe Photoshop - for me still the main tool for image processing
- Astronomical Image Processing - book with AIP-software included, classic!
- Andor Instruments - Astronomical CCD Cameras - former Apogee
- Astroart image processing - astro software
- The AVIedit home - imaging and video editing software
- Axiom Research - MIRA 6 Software
- CCD-Guide - astronomy ressource and planning tool
- DSLR Focus - Focusing and aquisition tool for Canon DSLRs
- CCDStack - very powerful astronomical image processing software
- CCDInspector - Fine-tune and analyse your telescope with the CCD camera connected
- CCDAutoPilot 3 - Image aquisition and automation software
- Finger Lakes Instrumentation -- Astro-CCD Cameras
- ImagesPlus -- powerful image processing software
- Iris software - astro + ccd software
- NeatImage - effective noise reduction software
- Webcam QCUIAG Website - QuickCam and Unconventional Imaging Astronomy Group
- RegiStar Home Page - image stacking software
- CCD cameras and software - CCD cameras (former SBIG) - Maxim DL
- Software Bisque astro-planetarium-software (The Sky)
- Starlight Xpress CCD cameras - Astro-CCD Cameras