Mar 16, 2001 |
the sun between clouds at mediocre seeing
Canon A50 afocal through eyepiece Pentax 40mm (full disk) and ED 4" refractor,
details with webcam at primefocus, selected frame, medium unsharp masking |
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Mar 25, 2001 |
A big interesting group (NOAA 9393) is rising from the east,
observation at 10h UT, high turbulence,
webcam at primefocus with ED 4" f/9 refractor,
32 selected frames combined, unsharp masking and levels |
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Apr 01, 2001 10:30 UT |
The same group after 7 days more, it evolved to the second largest group in this 11 year's cycle.
On April 02 NOAA 9393 emitted the biggest flare ever recorded (class X23).
Ploessl 26mm - afocal with Canon A50 (full disk), webcam primefocus (group),
both with 4" ED f/9 refractor and Astrosolar ND5 filter,
bad seeing allowed only stacking of 2 selected frames, unsharp masking and levels |
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June 17, 2001 15:00 UT |
A new big evolving group (AR 9503 with compagnion 9504) shows high activity,
bright bridges can be observed
Ploessl 26mm - afocal with Canon A50 (full disk with some haze), webcam primefocus at f/20 (group),
both with 4" ED refractor and Astrosolar ND5 filter,
seeing 3-4, a single frame out of 250 was selected, unsharp masking and levels |
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Aug 21, 2001 09:00 UT |
3 big and active groups (AR 9575, AR 9580/9582, AR 9585),
light bridges can be observed
webcam primefocus at f/20,
all with 4" ED refractor and Astrosolar ND5 filter,
bad seeing 2-3, single frames out of 350 were selected, unsharp masking and levels |
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Aug 24, 2001 11:00 UT |
A new group (AR 9591) is rising from the east,
high turbulence,
webcam at f/20 with ED 4" refractor,
12 selected frames out of 350 combined in Astrostack, unsharp masking and levels |
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Aug 25, 2001 14:00 UT |
2 interesting groups AR 9590 and 9591 with light bridges;
webcam at f/20 with 4" ED refractor and Astrosolar ND5 filter,
seeing 2-3, best 4 selected frames out of 700 stacked in Astrostack, unsharp 4 and level adjustment |
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Sep 03, 2001 12:00 UT |
AR 9591 now is leaving towards western limb, see image on top
AR 9596, a smaller spot, (middle)
AR 9601 has evolved to a very complex group (bottom)
webcam primefocus at f/20 with green filter,
all with 4" ED refractor and Astrosolar ND5 filter,
seeing 2-3, top: average 3 frames, middle: average 30 frames, bottom: single frame,
for all unsharp masking and levels |
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Nov 15, 2001 13:00 UT |
The sun is back again! many groups visible, see full image on top
AR 9695 and 9697 at the east , (middle)
Details b (down)
Details c (bottom)
Nikon CP995 afocal 40mm Pentax for full disk, webcam primefocus at f/10 for details,
all with 4" ED refractor and Astrosolar ND5 filter,
seeing 2-3, all are single images,
for all unsharp masking and levels |
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Dec 02, 2001 11:10 UT |
Still activity at the sun at turbulent seeing;
AR 9715 at the western side (top)
AR 9718,9717 at the eastern side (bottom)
both imaged with webcam and 4" refractor at f/10 and Astrosolar ND5 filter,
seeing 2-3, both are single frames,
unsharp masking and levels adjustment |
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Jun 09, 2002 15:00 UT |
Increasing spot activity at the sun again;
AR9981/9987 at the center, AR9985 to the right, AR9991 to the left;
imaged with Canon D60 and 4" TMB refractor at f/13 and Astrosolar ND5 filter,
seeing 2-3, single image,
unsharp masking and levels adjustment |
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July 20, 2002 14:00 UT |
Huge and impressive groups are showing a lot of activity;
Full disk imaged with Canon D60 and 4" TMB refractor at f/13;
single selected images for inserts AR 0030, 0036 and 0037 with webcam and 4" TMB refractor at f/25,
for both parts unsharp masking and levels adjustment |
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July 27, 2002 12:00 UT |
2 new large and complex group AR0039 and 0044 from the east;
imaged with webcam and C11 at f/25 and Astrosolar ND5 filter,
bad seeing, single selected image,
unsharp masking and levels adjustment
See 2 consecutive sharp frames within 0.1 sec here (290 kB) |
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Aug 15, 2002 14:30 UT |
Nice weather and high activity at the sun again - bad seeing;
complex group AR 0069 (left) and AR 0067 (right up)
closeup on top (100% size)
wide view at 50% size (bottom)
imaged with 4" APO refractor at f/25 and Astrosolar ND3 filter;
both are crops from one selected image out of 25 with the D60 at 1/4000 sec;
unsharp masking and curves adjustment in Photoshop |
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Aug 25, 2002 11:00 UT |
The groups AR 0087 to the east and AR 0085 at center are quite impressive, showing light bridges and lots of details;
Full disk imaged with Canon D60 and 4" TMB refractor at f/20 this time with ND3 photographic Baader astrosolar filter;
single selected images out of 800 for inserts with webcam and 4" TMB refractor at f/75;
The extreme magnification supplies more details even at the very unstable seeing;
for both parts unsharp masking and levels adjustment, size reduced to 60% |
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Oct 05, 2002 8:30 UT |
A last shot from ITT star party;
group AR 0139 - selected single image (top)
120 selected frames processed with Registax (bottom)
imaged with 4" APO refractor at f/28, Astrosolar ND3 filter and green filter;
light unsharp masking and levels adjustment in Photoshop |
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May 01, 2003 14:30 UT |
As test for the Mercury transit a sun shot with the D60;
Big group AR 0349 near the center- selected single image
imaged with 4" APO refractor at f/30, Astrosolar ND3 filter
strong unsharp masking, levels and color adjustment in Photoshop |
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May 07, 2003 05:12-10:33 UT |
Mercury transits in front of the sun, its apparent diameter is 1/148 of the sun.
I had to use my mobile setup with the 4" TMB refractor at f/30 with the D60 and the Astrosolar ND3.6 filter
1/1000 sec at ISO100; strong unsharp masking, color reduced and balanced, levels, all in Photoshop;
Top: second contact at 200% size
Middle: third contact at 200% size
Bottom: 2 part mosaic at 08h26 UT at 40% size
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May 28, 2003 12:00 UT |
The nice big group AR 0365 near the west side caused 2 X-class flares one day ago;
imaged with the D60 and the 4" APO refractor at f/30, Astrosolar ND3 filter with some clouds;
strong unsharp masking, levels and color adjustment in Photoshop; full disk at 50%, insert at 100% |
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May 30, 2003 13:30 UT |
A well timed cooperation with Russel Croman produced this direct comparison between white light and H-alpha centered on the group AR0365;
Russell Croman imaged in the morning with a Televue NP101 a Coronado Solarmax90 filter and the D60 from his drive way in Austin/Texas, I imaged with the 4" TMB refractor at f/35 and a Astrosolar ND3.6 filter with the D60 from my observatory in the afternoon;
2x 1/500 sec at ISO100 in raw mode; unsharp masking, curves adjustment and colorizing in Photoshop;
Top: whitelight full disk at 32% size
Middle: A rollover between the 2 images at 80% size
Bottom: An animantion with soft transients as closed loop
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May 31, 2003 05:20 local time |
A partial eclyse directly at sunrise;
imaged with the 90 mm Rubinar lens at f/5.6 with the D60 without filter
1/250 sec at ISO100; light unsharp masking and curves adjustment in Photoshop;
Top: rise at 40% size (see AR 365 on top)
Bottom: animation over 20 minutes at 20% size
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June 22, 2003 08:30 UT |
Three complex groups visible north and near to the equator;
imaged with the D60 and the 4" APO refractor at f/30, Astrosolar ND3 filter at bad seeing;
strong unsharp masking, levels and color adjustment in Photoshop; full disk at 50%, inserts at 120% |
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Aug 23, 2003 08:30-15h30 UT |
Good seeing conditions at the Gerlitzen peak allowed some extended imaging, all with the 4" APO refractor and the Astrosolar ND3.5 filter;
Top: Full disk at f/15 with the 10D, inserts from the webcam 3x enlarged; 35% resp. 70% size.
Middle: webcam animation at f/25 of the group AR 436 over 7 hours
Bottom: webcam animation at f/25 of the group AR 441 over 7 hours |
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Sep 27, 2003 8:30 UT |
A shot from ITT star party at good conditions with the 4" refractor + Astrosolar ND3 filter to the AR464 group;
Top: full disk with the 10D at f/20
Bottom: webcam mosaic at f/30 with green filter; selected frames processed with Registax;
unsharp masking and levels adjustment in Photoshop; |
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Oct 24, 2003 12:00 UT |
The sun showing two huge groups, AR 484 at right and AR 486 at left;
On Oct. 28 group 486 released an X 17.2 flare, the second largest flare ever observed, causing Aurora effects even here in Austria
On Nov. 4 again a blast originated from the giant group 486, the biggest explosion ever recorded in our solar system, it measured X28
Single image with the 10D with the 4" APO refractor at f/20, raw, ISO100, Astrosolar ND3 filter shot at very bad seeing;
strong unsharp masking, levels and color adjustment in Photoshop; full disk at 50% size, |
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