Total Lunar Eclipse (June 15, 2011)
Blue Moon Eclipse (Dec 31, 2009)
Conjunction Moon-Venus-Jupiter (Dec 01, 2008)
Total Lunar Eclipse (Feb 21, 2008)
Saturn occultation (May 23, 2007)
Total Lunar Eclipse (March 03, 2007) (Mar 04, 2007)
From Tycho to the southern limb (Jan 28, 2006)
Longomontanus (Jan 23, 2006)
A colorful Moon (Jan 10, 2006)
Plato (Jan 10, 2006)
Gassendi (Jan 10, 2006)
Clavius (Jan 10, 2006)
Copernicus (Jan 09, 2006)
6 day's Moon (Apr 14, 2005)
Jan 21, 2000 |
Total eclypse early in the morning with clouds,
OM1 with 270mm lens incl converter, Fuji 400, scanned and enlarged |
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May 9, 2000 |
Mosaic of half moon, approx manually equal exposed 25 single shots with
Quickcam color each 640x480,
through C11 with Lumicon giant easy guider at F/7 primefocus,
images combined in Photoshop,
full resolution here (230 kB) |
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Jan 9, 2001 |
Total eclypse at high transparency, collage of 6 images
Canon A50 afocal through 40mm Pentax eyepiece and 4" f/9 ED refractor
adaption of levelsand color balance in photoshop
full resolution here (170 kB) |
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Jun 30, 2001 |
seeing 3-4, Philips ToUCam at primefocus C11,
selected single video frames showing Plato, Copernicus and Clavius with many details
processing in photoshop: light unsharp mask and levels
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Sep 26, 2001 |
seeing 2, First Moon shot with Nikon CP-995 and 40mm Pentax XL + 2x barlow afocal to 4" ED refractor,
single exposure 1/32s,f5.1, lens 31mm
processing in photoshop: unsharp mask and curves, size reduced by approx 50%
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Nov 03, 2001 22:08 UT |
Occultation of Saturn by the Moon! Imaging with Nikon CP-995 and 40mm Pentax XL afocal to 4" ED refractor.
Image is a composit of 2 different exposures to adjust the right brightness of the darker planet.
Processing in Photoshop: unsharp mask and curves, cropped image of reappearance shown at right.
Full disk see here (96 kB)
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Jan 26, 2002 18:30 UT |
A close approach of Jupiter and Moon;
4" refractor with Nikon CP995 and 400 mm Pentax XL
Combination of 3 exposures (1/125 for moon; 1/30 for Jupiter; 1/8 for Jovian satellites)
Processing in photoshop: unsharp mask and levels
Top: full size crop of Moon with Jupiter
Bottom: reduced size (40%) of full disk
Full scale image see here (186 kB)
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Apr 21, 2002 19:00 UT |
A revisit of the Moon after a long rainy period;
Seeing 2-4, thin clouds;
Top: C11 with webcam in primefocus at f/10
Clavius with Tycho; Mosaic of 2 selected frames;
Middle: Plato with craterlets and the Alpine Valley; selected frame with webcam, same setup;
Bottom: Full disk with4" refractor and 40mm Pentax and CP995; Image size reduced to 50%
Full scale image see: here (181 kB)
Processing in Photoshop: for all - unsharp mask and levels;
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Jun 19, 2002 19:30 UT |
A very warm and unstable summer night;
4" TMB refractor with barlow and webcam at f/25
Top: Single exposure selected out of 200 of the Archimedes area towards Apennines
Bottom: Cropped Area of Hadley rille; 4 selected frames averaged, centered on Hadley-rille;
Processing for both in photoshop: unsharp mask and levels
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Nov 19, 2002 20:00 UT |
Nearly full Moon at unstable seeing with the D60 and the 4" f/6.2 refractor;
Single image in raw mode at ISO100; converted to 16 bit tiff, then to fits; LR deconvolution in AIP;
further processing in Photoshop: deconvolved grey image used as luminance for RGB image, |
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Feb 17, 2003 17:00 UT |
Rising full Moon at dusk, the first clear evening during a skiing holiday in the high southern alps;
D60 with the Rubinar 500mm f/5.6 lens;
2 images 2 sec and 1/15 sec combined at ISO200;
levels and curves adjustment in Photoshop, size reduced to 50%;
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Mar 16, 2003 21:00 UT |
At fair seeing the nearly full moon was high up;
First target was Plato at high magnification; webcam with the 4" TMB refractor at f/50;
200 images processed in Registax;
final levels and curves adjustment in Photoshop;
Top: crop on Plato, 10+ small craterlets in the floor visible
Bottom: wide view mosaic with Appenins at 70% size
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Mar 16, 2003 21:00 UT |
At the same evening next target was Aristarchus area; webcam mosaic with the 4" TMB refractor at f/25;
200 images processed in Registax for each part;
Final levels and curves adjustment in Photoshop; note the subtle color at Aristarchus, caused by a vulcanic activity;
This image was LPOD on April 11, 2004. Checkout more info there.
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Mar 16, 2003 22:00 UT |
At the same evening next target was the southern limb up to Tycho with Clavius, Schiller and Bailly; webcam mosaic with the 4" TMB refractor at f/25;
200 images processed in Registax for each part;
final levels and curves adjustment in Photoshop;
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May 16, 2003 02:00-03:00 UT |
A eclypse of the moon just before sunrise;
Top: D60 in raw mode at ISO100 with the 4" TMB refractor at f/15; 2 shots at 02h30 UT - 8 sec + 1/8 sec combined at 40% size;
Bottom: single 1 sec shot at 02h57 UT - D60 same setting with the 90mm Rubinar f/5.6 lens at 40% size;
Raw mode helped for stretching the image; Totality was after sunrise and could not be observed;
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June 03, 2003 19:00 UT |
A nice crescent moon during dusk at steady seeing;
D60 in raw mode at ISO100 with the 4" TMB refractor at f/25; 3 shots combined, levels, unsharp mask, cropped, reduced to 70% size all in Photoshop;
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July 05, 2003 19:30 UT |
A waxing moon during dusk at average seeing;
D60 in fine mode at ISO100 with the 4" TMB refractor at f/25; 3 shots combined, levels, unsharp mask, cropped, size reduced to 70%, all in Photoshop;
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July 06, 2003 19:30 UT |
A detailed view to Triesnecker and Hyginus area at good seeing;
Webcam with the C11 at f/10; 400 preselected shots processed with Registax, levels, unsharp mask, changed to 125% size, all in Photoshop;
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Sep 19, 2003 04:00 UT |
A first visit to the vaning moon at good seeing;
45 part webcam mosaic with the C11 at f/10; each part consists of 100 frames processed in Registax
arrangement, curves, light unsharp mask, size reduced to 50%, all in Photoshop;
the dawn and dew decreased image quality in the western parts, some gaps had to be filled with an image from the 10D through the 4" refractor at f/25: see color enhanced version here
High speed surfers should not miss the 80% size: 4000 x 2400 (812 kB) |
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Oct 05, 2003 18:30 UT |
The Moon passes Mars - together barely fitting into the field of the refractor;
Top: single shot with the 10D at ISO200 with the 4" TMB refractor at f/5; size 50%; Mars at right top corner;
Bottom: Composite image with Mars insert - 4" TMB refractor at f/25; size 75/50%;
Mars stacked and sharpened in Registax; Moon - unsharp mask, curves, color balance in Photoshop;
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Nov 09, 2003 00:00 - 03:00 UT |
First total Lunar Eclypse this year
To escape the dense fog my friends and me drove 200 km to the north-east, we found a nice hill near Hassbach/Kulmberg
My setup was the 300 mm Canon lens stopped to f/4 with the 2x converter and the Canon 10D at ISO200 in raw mode.
Heavy dew was disturbing, but alltogether a great impression;
Widefield view with the: 50mm lens from 01:09 UT and the 20mm lens from 01:14 UT
Top: composite exposure 5 and 30 sec to show the background stars at 02h24 UT; size 75%;
Middle: Collage of the total event, size 50/25%;
Bottom: Pete Lawrence had the nice idea to collect images taken over a big distance at the same time to show the parallax effect. Beside others he has chosen my and Paul Hyndman's image and did nice animations from them. |
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March 29, 2004 18:30 UT |
A closeup on the Alpine Valley at good seeing;
The tiny rill in the valley measures 0.1" across
Webcam with the C11 at f/20; 120 selected frames out of 600 processed with Registax, levels, unsharp mask;
Top: full frame at 100% size
Bottom: center at 200% size (0.1" per pixel) |
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