Nov 15, 2001 21:03 UT |
Linear2000WM1 at RA 03 28.6 Dec +40 35, my first comet image, not easy to find!
Finder charts see here
Good transparency at -3°C,
C11 with 40mm Pentax afocal + Nikon CP995 in wide mode,
2 exposures for gif animation each 60 sec unguided with NR, image size reduced; levels, gaussian blur for background, unsharp mask for stars in Photoshop.
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Mar 10, 2002 18:15 UT |
Ikeya Zhang, a currently mag 4.2 comet in Pisces, well visible after dusk in the west;
4" refractor with 40mm Pentax + Nikon CP995 in wide mode at 9°C and at good transparency;
12 exposures of 60 sec at ISO200 averaged, noise reduction by "blackframe"; alignment seperate for comet and background stars; levels, gaussian blur for colors and background in Photoshop, cropped, size reduced to 50%;
Bottom: Highpass filter 14 pix to show more details. The visible tail measures 1.5 degree.
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Mar 12, 2002 18:15 UT |
Again the comet Ikeya Zhang, with some interfering high clouds at 6°C
180 mm f/2.8 lens this time with MX7C;
Top: 4 exposures of each 60 sec in progressive mode combined, darks subtracted; levels, gaussian blur for colors and background in Photoshop;
Bottom: 2 times high pass filter 8 pixel and levels to show more details; The visible tail measures 2.5 degrees in this image.
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Mar 13, 2002 18:15 UT |
Ikeya Zhang again with the MX7C and the 180mm f/2.8 lens at hazy conditions
2 exposures of 120 sec averaged, each for head and tail; darks, alignment, levels in Photoshop; Tail 3.5 degree
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Mar 23, 2002 18:30 UT |
Ikeya Zhang again at mag 4 after dusk in the low west;
MX7C with the 180mm f/2.8 lens at very windy conditions between some clouds; image scale: 2.1 degree vertical;
Top: 6 exposures of 60 sec averaged;
alignment, levels, unsharp masking in Photoshop;
Bottom: Same image with highpass 10 Pixel + levels in Photoshop.
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Mar 30, 2002 19:00 UT |
This evening I drove up in the mountains to 1665 m altitude - mag 5.5 sky, milky way visible;
First target a wonderful Ikeya Zhang next to beta-Andromeda, the tail naked eye visible with averted vision;
Top: direct CP995 piggipacked in wide mode; 4 exposures of 60 sec averaged; below the center of the image you see M31
Bottom: russian 4" f/6 refractor with 40mm Pentax and CP995, alignment, 4 exposures of 60 sec averaged; levels, unsharp masking in Photoshop;
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May 11, 2002 23:30 UT |
Fading Ikeya Zhang at mag 6 high up in the sky between Draco and Hercules;
MX7C with the 180mm f/2.8 lens; 5 exposures of each 120 sec averaged;
alignment, levels, unsharp masking in Photoshop;
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Feb 02, 2003 17:30 UT |
Comet Neat (C/2002 V1) for the first time low in the west at hazy conditions;
D60 with 4" TMB refractor at f/5; 35 x 60 sec aligned and averaged in ImagesPlus;
levels, unsharp masking in Photoshop;
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Oct 24, 2003 21:50 UT |
First light for the Canon 300mm f/2.8 lens (used from Ebay) at humid conditions and mag 5 sky:
Comet 2P/Encke near M31 still fainter than the predicted 11.5 mag; North is right;
Top: 3 exposures within 15 min with the 10D and the lens fully open at ISO800 each 3 min averaged; find the comet above the white bar.
levels and color balance in Photoshop, size 50%.
Bottom: 3 frame animation at 100% size from the above raws; levels, unsharp masking in Photoshop;
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Nov 15, 2003 18:30-19:30 UT |
Comet 2P/Encke near the western Veil Nebula at approx mag 9; North is right;
Top: 9 exposures each 2 min with the 10D and the Canon 300mm f/2.8 lens fully open at ISO400 in raw mode; the comet shows extended coma, but not its core.
To bring out the Veil additionally 15 shots each 2min at ISO800 with the UHC filter have been combined with the first stack, excluding the comet's area; Image stacking in IP, levels and color balance in Photoshop, size 50%.
Bottom: 9 frame animation at 100% size from the above raws; levels, unsharp masking in Photoshop, the coma is spread very wide with no center; the reason for the difficulty to spot Encke visually.
Asteroid in the up-right corner. |
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Nov 30, 2003 18:40-18:52 UT |
Comet 2P/Encke now at approx mag 8 near the star cluster NGC6633; North is up;
Top: 3 exposures each 2 min with the 10D and the 4 " TMB refractor at f/5 and ISO800 in raw mode;
Image stacking in IP, levels and color balance in Photoshop, size 50%, cropped.
Bottom: 6 frame animation at 67% size; levels, unsharp masking in Photoshop, a diifuse core is visible;
Asteroid in the up-right corner. |
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Dec 07, 2003 17:00-17:40 UT |
The first time a visit to C2002/T7 Linear at approx mag 9 with the full Moon in only 23 degree distance; North is up;
Top: 33 exposures each 1 min with the 10D and the 4 " TMB refractor at f/5 and ISO400, comet masked;
Image stacking in IP, levels and color balance in Photoshop, size 40%, slightly cropped.
See also full size version with 13 background galaxies labeled: here (420 kB)
Bottom: 17 frame animation with the C11 at f/6 with the MX7C at 70% size;
each frame 60 sec guided on the nucleus; |
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Jan 22, 2004 20:00 UT |
C2002/T7 Linear at approx mag 7.9 at humid conditions; North is up;
20 exposures each 30 sec with the STL11000 and the 4 " TMB refractor at f/6.5;
Image stacking in IP, levels and color balance in Photoshop, size 70%, cropped.
Top: classic view
Bottom: inverse contrast enhanced view |
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Jan 30, 2004 19:00 UT |
C2002/T7 Linear at approx mag 7.7 with the moon high up; North is up;
55 exposures each 60 sec with the STL11000 and the 4 " TMB refractor at f/5;
Image stacking in IP, levels and color balance in Photoshop, size 70%, cropped.
Top: classic view
Bottom: inverse contrast enhanced view Tail fainter than before; Ion and dust tail visible |
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